Environmentally friendly company

Our motivation to implement innovative technology, in addition to streamlining our production processes, is sustainable development and environmental care. JBB Bałdyga plant is located in the Green Lungs of Poland, which obliges us to take responsibility for the surrounding nature and minimize the negative impact on it.

Pillars of our ecological policy

JBB Bałdyga energooszczędność

Energy efficiency

JBB Bałdyga racjonalna gospodarka wodna

Rational water management

JBB Bałdyga gospodarka odpadami

Reducing waste

Over the last few years, we have carried out a number of strategic investments that have limited impact of our plant on the natural environment.

JBB Bałdyga energooszczędna maszynownia amoniakalna


The construction of an innovative ammonia engine room allows us to reduce the level of electricity consumption at the plant. And also to reduce the emission of fluorinated greenhouse gases with the so-called high global warming factor, used at present as refrigerant in refrigeration systems.

JBB Bałdyga nowoczesna kotłownia kondensacyjna


Thanks to the modernization of the boiler house and installation of economizers, we have significantly reduced energy losses in the plant. The recovered heat from the cooling system is used to heat the domestic water. We also reduced the consumption of natural gas by 110 thousand m3 per year, significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

JBB Bałdyga przyzakładowa oczyszczalnia ścieków


For many years we have been constantly investing in the modernization of the sewage treatment plant. Thanks to the use of modern technological solutions, the quality parameters of treated wastewater are three times lower than those prescribed by law.